How To Get Tattooed

Whether you’re looking to get tattooed for the first time, or an experienced collector, I have a place for you. I have spent my career listening to client’s stories, and translating them into body art. I love it when a client tells me a nugget of information that they may thought was insignificant to their tattoo, and that nugget turns out to be their favorite thing about their new tattoo. I take great pride in my ability to listen to everything a person has to say, and great enjoyment in finding creative ways to help them express their words.

When you come in for a consultation, I urge you to give me as much information as you can—it can only help me to design the best possible tattoo for you. I will listen and do everything I can to make you feel heard and understood. I urge you to think outside of the box when considering inspiration for your new tattoo. Not every tattoo has to be referenced from a tattoo on somebody else’s body, or from a picture online. You may well have a deeper connection to a design from a wallpaper pattern in your grandma’s house than you do a trending image from Instagram or Pinterest.

I urge you to trust me. Trust can be scary, which is why I take such care to make every part of the process of getting tattooed as transparent as possible. If you’ve decided that I’m the right artist for you, then please know that any suggestion I might make is only to ensure that you’ll be getting a tattoo that is beautiful, meaningful, and true to you.